Fund Screener
Compare funds and managers head-to-head.

Better filters for better fund selection
Set custom criteria for performance, risk, and valuation metrics, plus fund-specific stats like manager tenure, expense ratios and fund flows. The YCharts Fund Screener also lets you set limits for exposures to geographies, asset classes, and even individual securities to ensure the best fit for investors.
Choose from Mutual Funds, ETFs and more
Make data-driven comparisons of active and passive strategies to weigh the costs or benefits of performance and fees. The Fund Screener narrows a universe of over 77,000 mutual funds, ETFs, CEFs, UITs and more to ensure a thorough selection process. Your research is immediately actionable with screening options for brokerage availability, making YCharts the best mutual fund and ETF screener choice out there.
Learn how the Fund Screener can help you make smarter investing decisions
Save and share screens with colleagues
Fully integrated with the entire YCharts platform, screens can be saved and shared with other users for better collaboration on due diligence for advisors, or sales-enabling ideas for asset managers. Alerts can be set on any screen so your team is the first to know about any new funds that meet pre-set criteria.
Get a head start on fund selection
Over 30 pre-built templates included in the Fund Screener use commonly employed criteria to provide a starting point for better fund selection. Custom Scoring Models let you combine multiple metrics into a single numerical criteria for comparing funds.