Interactive Analysis
Collaborate with clients and prospects on their financial goals in real-time by testing various investment strategies, scenarios, and hypothetical performance outcomes.

Educate and empower your clients and prospects
Help clients and prospects make informed decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance. The Interactive Analysis tool presents insights into how different factors, parameters, inputs, and prospect preferences might impact investment performance, all in a flexible, interactive format.
Deliver a personalized client experience
The Interactive Analysis tool provides an easy-to-use interface for inputting a prospect’s name, objective(s), investment information, and future scenarios. The web-based interface allows real-time testing of various investment vehicles, strategies, and scenarios, revealing hypothetical performance outcomes on the spot.
See how you can leverage Interactive Analysis
Generate useful take-home collateral
Continue the conversation by sending prospects home with summary reports of Interactive Analysis plans, which can be exported to a PDF report in two clicks. All YCharts PDF reports are brandable with firm logos, fostering a consistent brand experience and positively influencing a client or prospect’s decision-making process.
Protect your firm from regulatory penalties
Interactive Analysis tools are excluded from the definition of “hypothetical performance” under the SEC Marketing Rule. Through the Interactive Analysis tool, YCharts helps advisors, clients, and prospects collaboratively explore various investment options and scenarios while keeping compliant with the SEC Marketing Rule.