Stock Screener
Find smarter investments using your custom criteria.

Build a strategy for better stock picking
Leverage your investment philosophy to generate smarter ideas and construct better portfolios. The Stock Screener gives you full control of qualitative and quantitative filters, and custom Scoring Models let you blend dozens of metrics into a single, numerical score for comparing stocks.
Tap into a robust equity universe
Create custom formulas, filter for revenue minimums or maximum PE ratios, and more using 4,500 financial metrics for 28,000+ equities. The premium data found on YCharts is made even more powerful with an intuitively designed Screener that enables data-driven decision making.
Learn how the Stock Screener can help you make smarter investing decisions
Leverage templates to kickstart your investment research
More than 30 pre-built screens put you ahead in the quest to identify the right stocks for clients. Template stock screens are based on commonly used investment strategies while providing flexibility to pivot when needed.
Never miss a new opportunity
Run a screen once, then set alerts to be notified any time a stock meets, or fails to meet, your investment criteria. Screens can also be saved and shared across your team so no one misses out on a new opportunity.