Analyze & Research Securities
Find the best investments for client portfolios while saving hours per week.
Get your day back with more efficient research
Investment research is core to your value proposition, but it shouldn’t consume your day. YCharts is built with efficiency in mind, designed around common advisor workflows all in a speedy web-based interface. You’ll be saving lots of time in no time with YCharts.
Dive deep, but stay out of the weeds
YCharts takes the stress out of investment research with fund and stock research tools that quickly narrow down thousands of securities to a manageable list of names that meet your specific criteria. Pre-built templates help kickstart your research process, while screens can be shared across teams or saved for later use.
Evaluate and compare investment ideas
Compare investments in a single view based on criteria of your choosing, and build strategies for better stock and fund selection. With YCharts’ end-to-end solution, you can implement a robust, informed investment selection process and confidently present ideas to an investment committee.
Case Study
Leshnak Wealth
The Challenge
With a holistic take on financial planning, Bob Leshnak, founder and “Financial Coach” at Leshnak Wealth, needed a research platform that was flexible, comprehensive, and visually appealing for clients. “We found our old system cumbersome to use and not very client-friendly. I used it for screening stocks, ETFs and mutual funds that I would download into spreadsheets and then grade,” says Bob.
The Solution
After hearing about how YCharts helped other advisors with productivity, Bob decided it was time to see for himself. Bob said he was immediately impressed by the ability to research individual stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds in different capacities. And with the help of his account manager, Bob transitioned his existing processes to the platform with ease.
The Playbook
Stock Screener
Fund Screener
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